Acoustical Floor of Wisconsin was acquired by Elastizell of Wisconsin.

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World-Class Museum Features, World-Class
Underlayment -- Therma-Floors®!

Santiago Calatrava

Construction Management:CG Schimdt, Inc., Milwaukee

Maxxon Dealer:
Acoustical Floors of Wisconsin

Scope:60,000 square feet of Therma-Floor®, poured 1/2" to 3" over 1" radiant heat tubing. Uneven concrete floor was also leveled. Another product was orginally specified, but Acoustical Floors did a test pour, and the general contractor chose Therma-Floors.

Floor Goods:
Imported Marble with a crack isolation membrane.

Some say the most spectacular part of the Milwaukee Art Museum is its pair of huge sunscreens. At the push of a button, they lift up from the sides of the museum and spread into a beautiful pair of outstreaching wings spanning 217 feet. But for those of us in the Maxxon family, the most exciting feature in the project is one that most visitors will never even notice --the 60,000 square feet of Therma-Floor covering the structural concrete floor of changing exhibition hall.

For Acoustical Floors of Wisconsin, and the hundreds of other subcontractors who worked on the innovative project, it was a mark of honor to be selected. As Chris Smocke, owner's representative, stated, "Each professional knew that 'everyone else in the room' was chosen for a one-of-a kind project on the basis of their expertise, and that created a culture of mutual respect."

Though excavation for the project began in 1998, it wasn't until June 2000 that the structual concrete was ready to be covered with an underlayment -- but another product had been specified. Undaunted, Acoustical Floors' Bob Gatchel convinced the general contractor to allow a test pour of Therma-Floor, and won the project, which was poured in December.

Congratulations, Bob and Acoustical Floors of Wisconsin, on a world-class sales effort and installation!

P.S. OK, the "wings" architecture is pretty impressive, we admit. Besides their impressive unfurling, they actually serve to help control the light and temperature in the reception hall. For dramatic images and a side show of the museum, visit, and click either of the two links under "MAM Images" toward the bottom of the home page.

Ph. (262) 547-5565
Fax: (262) 547-5589
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